House Related Feed

Friday, January 24, 2014



城市: 温哥华
地址:#2104 989 Nelson Street, Vancouver
面积 1,610 平方英尺
楼层 21  (共有21)
房龄 1995年建造
大楼设施:健身房,自行车房,桑拿室,蒸汽室,电梯,冷气, 客人套房

房源特色: 宽敞明亮的顶楼公寓!位于温哥华市中心,高楼层,位于21楼。拥有令人惊叹的山景!加高天花板附近有很多餐厅,商店和电影院,交通方便!

看房请联络施小姐 778-862-3630

Monday, January 20, 2014



先去找貸款銀行做  "Pre-Approval", 可多問幾家,找利率與還款條件較佳的銀行,最好是找一位可信賴的貸款經紀人幫你詢問,就不需要自己一家一家的問了。當您與銀行敲定利率和條件後,這一個利率將會為您保留 90天。在這一段期間,如果利率降低,您將可以采用新的低利率;若利率提高,則采用您原先的利率。這一步驟做完以後,就可以慢慢地找房子了。



首先要了解大溫地區的各個城市,決定欲居住的城市,例如:溫哥華,列治文,本拿比,索里,白石鎮,新西敏及高貴林等。此時您可找一位可以信賴的房地產經紀人 (這時就可以找我啦!),告訴他,您的預算,房屋樣式,房間數,坪數等等。您的經紀人將會為您找出一些符合您要求的房屋,然後幫您約時間去看房子。



1.  下單(Offer),決定價錢,交屋日期,是否驗屋等等及其他的限制條件。

2.  將合約交給對方,等待對方回覆。

3.  如果對方同意價錢及所有的條件,合約便成效。如果對方不同意,經反覆還價之後達成共識,合約便成立。

4.  合約成立後,賣家就無法退出不賣給買家。此時買家有7-10天的日期去申請貸款,驗屋,查看會議紀錄。馬上告訴銀行,剩下的交給銀行會處理。驗屋師可約在第3-4天。驗屋通常幾小時至一天之內便可完成。如果是買公寓,地產經紀人可幫您代看會議記錄,查看大樓是否有重大問題。

5.  7-10 天後,如果貸款,驗屋,會議紀錄,都沒問題,買家必須移除限制條件,然後完成購買房子。這時就不能反悔了。如果貸款,驗屋,會議紀錄,有其中一樣出問題或不滿意,買家可取消合約。

6.  買家移除限制條件後,合約就正式生效,雙方都無法退出。接著找律師或公證員為您辦理過戶的手續。交屋日期前您必須到律師或公證員處簽署文件。律師或公證員會列出所有的項目金額,交屋日期當天,您的自備款(需先存入您的帳戶,並提供授權給律師或公證員提領)及貸款將會從銀行轉至律師或公證員的帳戶,然後再轉至賣方的律師帳戶。

7.  然後就可以準備開心地搬入新家了!


Ivy Shih (施文舟)
Realtor of Century 21 In Town Realty


于一月25日和26日 2:00pm~4:00pm 展示!欢迎参观!

城市: 温哥华
地址2003-135 17th Street East, North Vancouver, BC (北温)
面积 1,349 平方英尺
楼层 20  
房龄 2013年建造
房源特色: 机会难得的顶楼公寓!360度的景观,可看到海景,山景和市景。阳台有按摩热水浴缸。开放式厨房,顶级厨具,花岗岩琉璃台。北温必看的楼房!

看房请联络施小姐 778-862-3630

Monday, January 6, 2014

The difference between a Condo and an Apartment

Have you been wandering this question for a long time? What are the differences between a condo and an apartment? I came across this website, it gives a good explanation. I would like to share it with everyone and hope it helps you understand the definition of condos and apartments better. Here is part of the article:

"Both forms of accommodations offer their own pros and cons. Physically, it is impossible to distinguish between the two, it is the law which defines the two that help us in making the differences more clear. Essentially one could say that a condo is collection of individually owned apartments that could be rented out to someone else and where the owners are responsible for the general maintenance of the area whereas an apartment is owned by the developers and given out on rent to different tenants.
The advantage of living in a condo (very often known as a co-operative society) is that you have full ownership of your house that is you can make changes to the interiors or the exteriors according to your whims and wishes which is not really possible in case of an apartment. While you own your house, common areas such as hallways, swimming pools, tennis courts etc are jointly owned by the members of the society and the maintenance expenses are shared by the members. Very often a team of members is elected by the condo owners which are part of a residential society and are responsible for the decisions to be made regarding the common areas and the general maintenance of the condo.
An apartment or a flat is generally a small part of a multi storied building which can be owned (by the one occupying it or the developer of the multi storey) or could be rented out for a fixed monthly rent. Different types of apartments are available ‘“ studios that are essentially one large room apartments comprise of common drawing, living and bedroom are very popular amongst bachelors. There are also two or three room apartments or garden apartments which are more popular amongst small families of four or five members. In case of a rented apartment you are bound by the owner’s rules and usually do not have full control over the house you are living in.
In general, condos prove to be the better option if one is looking to permanently stay at one single place or at least not move for a considerable amount of time. An apartment, on the other hand, proves to be a better option if you are always moving. The reason being buying a condo for a short period of time would prove to be more expensive as compared to paying a fixed monthly rent for the time one occupies the apartment."

I hope this helps! :-)

Source is from: